My mom loves to sew. (Don’t even ask how many quilts I have that she has made me over the years!) After getting some inspiration from a Pottery Barn catalog, I asked her to make me some winter pillows for the couch. Here is the Pottery Barn picture…..

I went to the fabric store and bought a couple yards of burlap and brown corduroy. I just showed my mom the picture and she whipped them up.

They turned out pretty good huh? I love them and they look very similar to the expensive Pottery Barn pillows. Thanks mom!

Here are the brown corduroy pillows she made mixed in. She just made simple covers for the pillows we already had.

Finally, I added a pillow I recently purchased on sale (only $5!) at Pier 1. I love how they all look together!

So this is the start of our winter décor. We are working on a few craft projects so stay tuned for part 2 of our winter decorating….
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